  • News
  • October 11, 2024

Gen-Z requires a different employer branding & recruitment approach

The Dutch labor market is becoming increasingly competitive, particularly when it comes to highly educated young professionals and specialized roles. As the workforce shrinks and the population ages, finding young talent is becoming a critical challenge for businesses. While the recruitment industry is booming, the costs are often exorbitant, and recruitment efforts alone rarely enhance a company’s brand position.

Vacancies flood platforms like LinkedIn, social media, and specialized job boards, intensifying the “war on talent.” But who actually wins this red-ocean battle?

In today’s globalized world, where international students make up a growing demographic, companies must appeal to both local and international talent.

The Limitations of Existing Recruitment Methods

Digital platforms like LinkedIn are popular tools for recruitment but only work effectively if the employer’s brand is strong. Unfortunately, many companies struggle to stand out to ambitious Gen-Z talent, especially if they’re not top-of-mind. This issue needs to be addressed by businesses.

Additionally, recruitment campaigns often lack strong follow-through, which diminishes their intended impact. AMC (Arbeidsmarkt Communicatie) campaigns are typically short bursts rather than long-lasting initiatives.

Many companies fail to attract international talent simply because these candidates don’t know the company or find its market or policies unappealing. This gap represents both a challenge and an opportunity—it’s crucial for businesses to elevate their employer branding.

Bridging the Gap: From Online to Physical Connection

To succeed in the Dutch job market, companies must adopt a more proactive stance. The problem often lies not in the shortage of candidates but in the fact that many highly educated graduates no longer consider local companies. Large international corporations have the upper hand, not only due to their higher visibility but also their ability to be seen across multiple channels.

Dutch businesses must bridge this gap by strengthening their brand presence in areas where it will have a tangible impact, creating meaningful connections with tomorrow’s talent.

Employer Branding: The Foundation of Effective Recruitment

An effective recruitment strategy for Gen-Z requires a mix of creativity, timing, and relevance. Relying on traditional methods like career fairs and overcrowded online platforms is no longer enough. Businesses need to actively seek out their target audience and make a lasting impression. Once they’ve done that, they should use impactful ways to showcase their employer brand and job opportunities—preferably not in an environment saturated with thousands of other companies but in an exclusive setting.

One great example of an innovative approach is SPAR University, the market leader in campus communication in the Netherlands.

Why SPAR University?

SPAR University offers a unique opportunity to connect with highly educated Gen-Z talent. With locations on HBO and university campuses across the country, SPAR University reaches over 850,000 students every month. This makes SPAR University stores an ideal place to bring your employer brand to life. The modern, large digital screens in these stores offer powerful visual connections, while companies can highlight open positions, traineeships, and internships through the SPAR University app.

What makes this approach even more effective is the ability to send push notifications through the app—one of the most efficient recruitment tools in today’s market. The synergy between digital screens and in-app interactions boosts brand recognition and significantly increases conversions from qualified candidates.

Continuous Visibility as a Long-Term Success Factor

For businesses looking to win the talent war, continuous visibility is crucial. SPAR University provides year-round presence in its stores and app. This constant exposure to students not only increases the likelihood of attracting top talent but also reduces reliance on costly recruitment channels that don’t improve employer branding.

Investing in long-term visibility builds recruitment equity for the future. As competition intensifies, this should be a top priority for companies.

Whether you choose a targeted 4-week campaign or a long-term presence, SPAR University offers a cost-efficient and effective way to reach the best talent. And everything is taken care of, making it a seamless experience. Our goal is to be your partner in sustainable, long-term recruitment success.

Want to Learn More?

RetailMedia.One handles and manages the entire rollout of your AMC and recruitment needs. We also measure the impact on your employer brand as well as the actual response to your recruitment actions, all at significantly lower costs than you’re used to.

Feel free to reach out to Marcel, Mark, Noor, or Reinout at [] to discover how this innovative approach can elevate your recruitment strategy.